92 - Pink Pom Poms

I am a strand of pink pom poms.
Solid but soft.
Light and fluffy.
I would rather be highlighted on a
blank surface than lost in a crowd of patterns.
There are many more out there that look like
me but come in different shapes, sizes, and colors.
I dream of decorating the world with
beauty and a lighthearted touch.
Sometimes I worry no one will want me
because I don’t serve a deeper purpose.
I would like others to find me beautiful.
I want them to want to see me in their home.
But the fear of being stuck in one place keeps me up at night.
The best thing I have ever done is travel around the world
adding some flavor everywhere I went.
The worst thing I have ever done is get all tangled
with myself, creating a mess for someone else to clean up.
I feel guilty that some of my threads poke out,
making me not so perfect.
My favorite time is in the early evening when the
lights are low and the music plays gently.
The point of my life is to bring beauty into every empty space.
I would like to be remembered as a little bit sassy, a little bit quirky,
and the little piece of light you didn’t know you needed.

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