90 - Mandala Sunrise

The sun doesn’t
apologize when
there are clouds
in the sky.
It rises anyways.
apologize when
there are clouds
in the sky.
It rises anyways.
The sun doesn’t
stay up a little bit
longer because
you want it to.
It sets when it
says it’s going
to set.
stay up a little bit
longer because
you want it to.
It sets when it
says it’s going
to set.
The sun doesn’t
warn you when
it will paint the sky
with pink and purple hues.
It just does as it pleases.
Without any concern of
who is paying attention.
warn you when
it will paint the sky
with pink and purple hues.
It just does as it pleases.
Without any concern of
who is paying attention.
Some people love the sun.
Some people hate it.
Some people embrace it.
Some people are afraid of it.
Some people hate it.
Some people embrace it.
Some people are afraid of it.
But the sun
is unaffected
by these opinions.
is unaffected
by these opinions.
Because no matter
what we all think,
the sun knows that
ultimately we
need it.
what we all think,
the sun knows that
ultimately we
need it.
So it rises
each day
and shines.
Sometimes it even
shines a little bit brighter,
if it feels like it.
each day
and shines.
Sometimes it even
shines a little bit brighter,
if it feels like it.