99 - Multicolored Revelations

Oh what’s that you say?
“You have such a pretty face... It’s a shame you are so overweight.”
I didn’t catch all of that. It sounded like you said you think I have a pretty face. Why thank you!
“Your toes look so weird... Why are they crooked like that?”
My toes are crooked because even my feet didn’t want to risk the chance that I might walk the straight and narrow path.
“You look so Jewish.” (Insert disapproving look and
condescending tone)
condescending tone)
Well that would be because I am indeed 100% Jewish and damn proud of it.
“You look so pretty when you straighten your hair.” (Said while my
hair is in it’s natural curly form)
hair is in it’s natural curly form)
Ahh well clearly you misunderstand me. I am not going for pretty.
I am going for striking.
I am going for striking.
“Why do you share all this personal information in your poetry.
People don’t want to read about that negative stuff on your Instagram.”
People don’t want to read about that negative stuff on your Instagram.”
I am so glad you asked that! Well, it’s because once upon a time people said and did some outrageous things to me. And in response I sat there silently and stuffed it all down. And it made me really ill. And I hated everything about myself and the way my life was turning out. My relationships were suffering. And I wasn’t always the most kind compassionate version of myself I hoped to be. So I started releasing some of what was stored up inside of me. And it opened up so much space for love. Life has become exponentially more fun when I’m not spending all of my time trying so hard to shove down my feelings.
“Mandalas are just a trend. And they won’t be trendy forever.”
I think you mean mandalas are trending here in the US. But mandalas have been around since the beginning of time. They originated in the Tibet and India in Buddhism in the 4th century. And they have found their way through every culture and religion. They are a sacred geometry. They exist in the flowers. They are a spiritual practice. I don’t draw them because they are trendy. I draw them because I am a spiritual person. And I am trying to heal and understand myself on a deeper level. They are my map to understanding who it is I am supposed to become.
And on that note I would like to end this conversation. But if there is
anything else you must say, then please consider yourself warned.
anything else you must say, then please consider yourself warned.
That for every backhanded compliment, every seed of doubt, and every ignorant statement, I’ve got a multicolored response to your black and white opinions.